Admin Reports

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Uses the admin department to reports on general debtor details. A summary of each report is displayed below the Choose Report options.


Choose Report:


As the user select a report type each of the required data filed are enabled and the data fields not required are disabled.

A brief description is also displayed for each of the report option


Debtors Collection with Comments:

Use the debtors collection report only if the debtors collection function is not adequate. This report uses the debtors aging details to determine the 30,60 & 90 day balances


Debtors Collection No Comments:

Same as above without comments


Invoice Retention Report:

Used to display job retention details for collection.


Overdue or Over Credit report:


Overdue Amounts Only:


Salesman Check:

Used to print debtors salesman not included as the customer salesman.


Debtors Receipts:


Subcontract Statement:


Invoice Date over 120:


Debtor No:




Start Date:


End Date: